Sharing myself and my life

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STAND - A writing from Leah to Sandra

Deep inside you is a little light…
the light of your heart, hopes and
the child within the woman.
Playful and joyous, she skips through fields unencumbered,
fingertips brushing plants as she goes.

Your woman within roars triumph and protects her own,

spilling words of love like pearls and
warding off any threats with passion unrivalled.
Be warned, leave those she loves well alone
and know too that she will lead them to stand for themselves
even when they do not know how that is possible.

But today the raging fire this woman knows,
The fire she has drawn from without question

that life force is dampened and quiet.
She retreats, bewildered and confused
Where has her spirit gone?
What is this darkness that persistently sucks and needles her?
Where is home and how to get there?

Stand little lioness and
feel your heart beating.
See that light glowing at your core and
know the love and thanks of the countless you have touched
with your light, love and wisdom.
Brave Goddess.
The script awaits your writing and
the world shines her light each day in countless ways
along with her tests.
Reach and know this time too shall pass
to bring the dawning of renewal

from the ashes like an old friend.
Mettle, stronger, sturdy and reliable
Beauty, ever present for the eye and heart to seek and draw from
And love, your heartbeat and constant companion.

And suddenly you realise all is well.
You breathe easy
the fog lifts
and the sun and smiles warms you.
Today and tomorrow is yours
Go well lioness.


For Sandra 28.9.20 with love, Leah